Health Care Reform: Or Not

The big players in the insurance industry are very happy with the direction "reform" is headed:

"eHealth looks forward to being an active partner in implementing meaningful health reform legislation, and is poised and ready to connect the uninsured to coverage quickly." (CNN)

eHealth says it's "Ready to Connect America to Coverage."

Contrast that with the Physicians for a National Health Program Quote of the Day from by Don McCanne, M.D.: "This is yet one more reason why the model of reform selected by Congress and the Obama administration is the most expensive of all. With all of the other wasteful administrative expenses, brokers' fees are added on top, though often hidden in the premium as a commission rather than a fee.

"Compare this to Medicare enrollment. The administrative costs for automatic enrollment in Medicare, at that only once in a lifetime, are negligible for the government and its taxpayers."

"Imagine the simplicity and efficiency of automatic, lifetime Medicare enrollment at birth for everyone. But Congress won't go there... not until the nation demands it."

Physicians for National Health Plan:

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