If the Oval Office was an airplane, Joe Biden would be way over the baggage limit.

We know what you did, Joe.
Joe Biden was a driving force in the fight against busing and federal school desegregation. In 1982, as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he voted for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade and throughout his Senate career he voted for the Hyde Amendment prohibiting most federal funding of abortion, and he voted repeatedly against adding exceptions for rape and incest to the amendment. He was Senate leader on the Drug War and on Bill Clinton's draconian 1994 crime bill. He mishandled the Clarence Thomas hearings. He has consistently supported the military-security state. He voted for the invasion of Iraq while 23 of his Senate colleagues, including Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, Carl Levin, Dick Durbin and Paul Wellstone, had the wisdom not to. He carried water for the banking industry throughout his stay in the Senate. He co-sponsored the Bankruptcy Reform Act that hurt consumers and made it harder for students to discharge college-related debts. On criminal justice, he claims to have evolved, but as recently as 2016 he was still claiming credit for the "1994 Biden Crime Bill."

There are really two questions. With all this baggage, can he win (and given that most of the candidates he campaigned hard for in 2016 lost, that's a pretty big question)? And even if it appears that he can win, does he embody the political ambitions for the next president of today's Democrats?

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