Safe, affordable housing is a right.

"Under capitalism, housing provision is based on what will make developers, lenders, and landlords rich -- not what average people need to survive. That’s why we’ll never get decent, affordable housing for everyone under the free market.
"The hyper-financialization of home mortgages in the mid-2000s is perhaps the most dramatic example of how treating housing like a speculative commodity can spiral out of control, grotesquely distorting the provision of a basic necessity.

"After the 2007–2008 financial crash, many liberal capitalists argued that better regulations on the secondary mortgage market might have prevented the worst aspects of the crisis. There might even be good reason to welcome such regulations. But the constant oscillations of housing prices will never disappear under capitalism, because these boom-bust cycles are inherent to any kind of capitalist commodity."

The rest of the story: Capitalism Can’t Give Us Affordable Housing by Robbie Nelson (Jacobin)

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