Politics: Bluedog Day Afternoon

Here are some of the Democratic voices plumping for continuing the Bush tax giveaway to the richest 2% of Americans. If you want to know why the base is alienated from the party, give a listen. Many of these folks are running for reelection. Don't help them; there are plenty of progressive Democrats in tough races who need your money and time.

Letter from Reps. James Matheson (D-UT), Melissa Bean (D-IL), Glenn Nye (D-VA) and Gary Peters (D-MI) to Speaker Pelosi: "In recent weeks, we have heard from a diverse spectrum of economists, small business owners, and families who have voiced concerns that raising any taxes right now could negatively impact economic growth. Given the continued fragility of our economy and slow pace of recovery, we share their concerns."

Rep. Ron Klein (D-FL): “Every day, I hear from families that are still struggling with bills and people who can’t find a job no matter how hard they try, so I believe right now, our top economic priority has to be job creation. In order to achieve that, we need tax credits for small businesses that will help create new American jobs, while also promoting investment and growth. As we work to rebuild the economy, I support a one-year extension of the so-called Bush tax cuts.”

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): "The economy has by no means fully recovered, so my bias is that those high-end tax cuts should be extended."

Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL): “I don’t care if it’s the wealthiest of the wealthy, you don’t raise their taxes,” he said. “In a recession, you don’t tax, burden and restrict. The economy is like a ship, and if you sink the ship, all the good you might do goes down with it.”

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA): “We are managing a very fragile recovery, and now is not the time to raise taxes on anyone. The timing is wrong and we should not do anything at this juncture that could jeopardize or slow the nation’s economic growth.”

Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI):Extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for all earners is the right thing to do as anything less jeopardizes economic recovery.”

Rep. Harry Mitchell (D-AZ):I strongly believe that this is the wrong time to let key tax cuts expire.  We need to encourage investment, not discourage it by letting these cuts expire. Extending these cuts would bring some much needed certainty and predictability to our tax code."

Rep. Michael McMahon (D-NY): "We're not creating jobs, and raising taxes now would not be a great idea."

Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-IN): "I think in this fragile economy, now is not the time to send that message to business owners and those who are fortunate to have the wealth in this country, because indeed they are the ones that make investments, that start businesses investing in companies."

And we shouldn’t forget the Senate Democrat opposition:

Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND): "The general rule of thumb is that you do not raise taxes or cut spending during an economic downturn. That would be counterproductive."

Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA): "I don't think they ought to be drawing a distinction at $250k.”

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE):I support extending all of the expiring tax cuts until Nebraska’s and the nation’s economy is in better shape, and perhaps longer, because raising taxes in a weak economy could impair recovery.”

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN): “The economy is very weak right now. Raising taxes will lower consumer demand at a time when we want people putting more money into the economy.”

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT):I don't think it makes sense to raise any federal taxes during the uncertain economy we are struggling through.”

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ccdemuth said...

Words or Deeds?

Our incumbent congressman, Jim Himes voted to increase discretionary government spending by 22% but now talks about favoring a 1% spending reduction. Himes voted with Nancy Pelosi over 95% of the time. Now, he talks about being “independent”. His evidence is that he votes against her almost 5% of the time on largely symbolic or procedural matters. This might have worked during the bubble era, but our families cannot afford Himes anymore.

ccdemuth said...

Who should we trust to hold the line against tax hikes?

After the campaign is over, after the dust settles, after the new congress arrives in Washington, Dan Debicella is the candidate who will still be able to be called a fiscal conservative – he will still favor limited government and he will still favor holding the line against tax hikes. That is because holding the line on marginal tax rates is not about electioneering or temporary gimmickry, it is about economic growth and jobs creation. This is for all of those who pay taxes, for their employees, and for their customers. Real support for free enterprise, limited government, and individual liberty is not temporary.

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