Is it Democrats vs Republicans
or Liberals vs Conservatives?

The sham ethics "reform" bill passed the House 217-213, with the cowardly votes of eight Blue Dog Democrats -- Barrow, Boren, Boswell, Cuellar, Marshall, Matheson, Melancon, and Taylor(MS) -- more than making the difference. Of this particular pod of Dems-We-Can-Do-Without, two, Henry Cuellar and Jim Matheson, also voted in favor the Pres. Bush greets 'Dem' Rep. Cuellar @ 2004 State of the Unionbankruptcy bill, CAFTA and the GOP energy bill. Texas hack Cuellar, "so snugly in bed with the right wing," according to the Irregular Times, "that he is the only Democrat ever to receive the endorsement of the [infamous] Club for Growth," at least got a primary challenge for his trouble, but he is now a Democratic paladin because he may survive in a district gerrymandered by Tom DeLay to favor Republican candidates (his loss would be poetic justice, though, since he won his current seat two years ago, in the first election held after the redistricting, when, in an act of betrayal, he challenged and defeated the incumbent and much more progressive Democrat, Ciro Rodriguez). If Cuellar does lose, although it may lessen the chances of a Democratic takeover of the House, his replacement by a Republican will do nothing to affect the conservative congressional majority. And that's the real target. Isn't it?

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