Joe Biden ≠ Donald Trump

My argument is that Joe Biden, a horrible choice for the party of FDR and LBJ, is being foisted on us by the same corporatist shills who have presided over the nation's forty-year decline.

Once again we are forced into choosing the lesser of two evils when we could have had the choice between good and evil. If the coronavirus provokes a recession the plutocrats' scam may work this time and, while that's good for the kleptocrats, it is not good for the country and the vast number of its citizens.

In answer to people who continue to claim otherwise, I've never compared Joe Biden to Donald Trump. Not once. But measure him against other members of his own party -- Teddy Kennedy would provide a good basis for comparison -- and against the traditional values that motivate Democratic voters and you will recognize that his career has been a lifelong betrayal of those ideals.

We are being sold a pig in a poke; circumstances may force us to buy it, but we betray ourselves by pretending to like it

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