Iraq: A Republican Senator Wakes Up

New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici, certainly deserving of the sobriquet "senior Republican" after more than three decades in the Senate, has decided as regards Iraq that, in Capital Hill Blue's description, "enough is enough."

Sen. Domenici, who by the way looks about as much like a "Pete" as Vladimir Putin looks like a "Pootie-Poot," joined other Republican "statesmen" -- John Warner, Richard Lugar, George Voinovich -- who latterly have indicated varying degrees of discomfort with the endless and, more to the point, pointless slaughter in the Middle East.

Sen. Domenici, who not coincidentally is up for reelection in 2008, has signed on to the bill introduced in the upper house by Lamar Alexander, among others, that would turn the recommendations of the bi-partisan Iraq Study Group into policy. The panel recommended getting most US combat troops out of Iraq, with a target date for withdrawal of March 2008.

At the current pace, that might mean another 1000 or so needless American deaths, but, hey, who's counting?

Probably not Sen. Domenici. By his own account (in an interview 2007-07-06 All Things Considered), he began thinking seriously about Iraq only ten days ago. Ten days ago. Not to belabor the point, but as a senior member of the committee that oversees defense spending, what the hell has he been thinking about for the past four years? If this is true (and appallingly revealing admissions usually are), it goes a long way toward explaining how we got into this, uh, quagmire.

One doubts Domenici is any more dimwitted than Warner, Lugar or Voinovich, and he's probably scads of IQ points ahead of -- and certainly more responsible than -- the dozens of Republicans (and Joseph Lieberman) who still seem to think that tossing away American lives, wealth and standing in the world is just peachy, so it's probably safe to say that we got into the mess in Iraq because our congressional leaders were too busy thinking about something -- earmarks, possibly? -- other than the most important matter we've offered into their hands.

Enough is enough is about right.

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