When you hear the word bipartisan, reach for your gun.

There is a conservative majority in Congress that persists no matter which party controls the big corner offices. When you hear the word bipartisan, remember that it is most often used to describe something like Bob Corker and Mark Warner, just say, getting together to craft a deal to advance corporate interests at your expense.

Heh Heh

Gavin Newsom posted this on Twitter. The illustration is from an Australian news outlet.

Quadruple bogey.

MSNBC's "Morning Joe" this morning aired a pop quiz:
"The capital city of your closest ally is attacked. Do you…:"

A) Retweet Drudge before being briefed.
B) Use the attack to lobby the Supreme Court overturn lower court rulings that said your travel ban is unconstitutional.
C) Openly attack the mayor of the city under assault and quote him out of context.
D) Go golfing for the 22nd time in your 19-week tenure.
E) All of the above.
(By the way, the answer is E.)
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